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- Written by: John Burke
- Hits: 46
Below is the current clutch of articles and reports regarding the Zimbabwean political conflagation of ED2030 which is ably summarised by the current Zapu President - Michael Sibangilizwe NKOMO - see article below for selected extracts from his Press Release. In addition the views of Newsday, the War Veterans, The National Youth Taskforce, The Zimbabwe Mail, and My Zimbabwe all echoing the same issues of - Unconstitutional, based upon the Failures of the Economy, The Currency and of all of Zanu Pf's Policies.
On Twitter/X @SandileMakeba "I stand with the Constitution of Zimbabwe, and I do not align with the so-called 2030. Let's give each other a chance to lead!"
"Clive Malunga of the nesango hitmaker , a fearless and celebrated war veteran in Zimbabwe has once again come out and castigated president Mnangagwa over the 2030 mantra! He despises the idea of trying to serve over constitutional limits, at the expense of millions of suffering Zimbabweans who can’t even afford a decent daily meal while many face drought in the rural areas." Source Twitter/X 22nd December 2024
We, as the young people of Zimbabwe, united in our diversity, strongly condemn the attempts by the corrupt regime of Mr Mnangagwa and its allies to extend the illegitimate presidential term of office. We want to categorically state that there will be no term extension for the President in Zimbabwe. The current conversation that we must have as a nation is how do we avoid disputed Electoral outcomes which lead to a legitimacy crisis as we have now that is finding expression in the failure by the government to deliver basic services.
Mnangagwa's government has been characterized by rampant corruption, violation of human rights, unemployment, and a broken educational system in Zimbabwe - nothing is working. This is why the people of Zimbabwe wholesomely rejected Mnangagwa and his outfit in August 2023 and confidently voted for President Chamisa with an intention to form a People's Government, a desired government by all.
We will not stand idly - by while an illegitimate president who does not have a social contract with the people, attempts to extend the suffering of our nation. We will not watch as he seeks to prolong the looting of public resources, the poor health system, capture of state institutions, and a dead economic system that have plagued our country. We will not fold our hands when our future is at stake.
We therefore call on all progressive forces to join us in rejecting this shameful agenda in its entirety and to work together towards a better future for our country, A New and Great Zimbabwe for Everyone!
Issued by The National Youth Taskforce [Click to see original Press Release] dated - 17th Jan 2025
Statement by CCC MPs on the nefarious 2030 agenda.
As Members of Parliament elected by the people and who represents the Alternative, we would like to distance ourselves from the statement allegedly made by Hon. Charles Moyo regarding moving the constitutionally due 2028 elections to 2030. We reiterate that we are constitutionalists, and the year 2030 agenda is not part of our policy agenda as a party. As enshrined in Section 2 ( 2 ) of our Zimbabwean
Constitution, the constitution is binding on every person, natural or juristic, including the State and all executive, legislative, and judicial institutions and agencies of government at every level, and must be fulfilled by them.
We would also like to make it categorically clear that, as opposition MPs, we have no association with Zanu PF resolutions and cannot be compelled to ratify them. The only relationship we have with Zanu PF, in the context of our parliamentary work, is to deliver policies that help grow our beloved country, Zimbabwe.
Our country faces numerous challenges, including food shortages, energy crises, moribund health services, climate change, corruption, and other vices. We are fully committed to addressing these challenges nothing else.
As an alternative government, we have always maintained that advancing the rule of law in Zimbabwe requires taking the right path. A false path will lead us to the very opposite of what we aim to achieve as a nation. It is essential that we uphold the rule of law and approach it with sincerity and earnestness.
Hon Darlington Chigumbu
Shadow Cabinet Spokesperson
One People, One Nation, One Vision
Newsday Zimbabwe 23rd January 2025
"CIVIL society organisations in Zimbabwe are reportedly uniting to form a massive movement aimed at challenging the push by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Zanu PF supporters to extend his term of office. This development comes amid revelations that Zanu PF plots to push for constitutional amendments to extend Mnangagwa’s rule beyond the constitutional two-term limit. His second term ends in 2028 and he has clearly said he does not intend to be in power beyond his tenure."
"The proposed extension has sparked widespread debate and criticism, with many arguing that it undermines Zimbabwe’s democratic principles and constitutional norms."
ZAPU Lead Article by President Nkomo 29th January 2025
"Fellow Zimbabweans, diplomats, civil society, friends of Zimbabwe, and esteemed members of the Fourth Estate, all protocols observed. It is my singular honor to address you all gathered here and by extension the nation at large. The urgency of our national crisis cannot afford us much time in the way of pleasantries, so kindly allow me to cut to the chase." {CLICK My IMAGE TO SEE THE ZAPU STATEMENT AS PDF}.
"As the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), we stand opposed to the ED2030 agenda being clamored for by Mr Mnangagwa’s loyalists and their proxies in captured opposition parties. ZAPU remains the only genuine opposition party free from any ties to ZANU PF. Ours is a government in waiting, the only viable alternative ready to rescue Zimbabwe from the rogue ZANU PF regime and its military-backed leader Mr Mnangagwa. He sneaked into power on the back of a military coup in 2017 and now seeks to extend his rule by staging another coup against the constitution of Zimbabwe. It is a treasonous ambition that no patriotic Zimbabwean should entertain."
"What Mr Mnangagwa is trying to achieve is the grandfather of all illegalities. Our considered view is that the continuing chicanery dates back to 1980, when ZANU stole the people’s votes after we attained our independence from colonial rule. ZANU PF morphed into a rabid carnivore and chose to replace the colonial regime. Inspired and instructed by the Rhodesian era, ZANU PF continues to take the citizens of Zimbabwe for granted, and the people along with ZAPU and even the ancestors are fed up. During their national conference held in Bulawayo in October 2024, the ZANU PF delegates resolved first and foremost to extend Mr Mnangagwa’s presidential term from 2028 to 2030. This was done ostensibly to allow President Mnangagwa more time to oversee the fulfillment of ‘Vision 2030’, which he supposedly conceived but we all know this is not the case."
"Today we join the growing list of organizations and patriotic Zimbabweans refuting these claims by ZANU PF representatives. The list now includes genuine War veterans tired of watching in silence as the country is driven deeper into the woods by the clueless Mr Mnangagwa. We categorically reject the claims that the people of Zimbabwe wish to endure more suffering beyond 2028. Extending Mr Mnangagwa’s draconian rule beyond the constitutional limit set for 2028, amounts to the extension of industrial-scale looting, unemployment, poverty, crime and low life expectancy for Zimbabweans. Only the merchants of death and suffering can agitate for the extension of Mr Mnangagwa’s presidential term even by a week. His first term powered by a military coup and the second one secured from a stolen mandate in August 2023 have been disastrous enough for the people."
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- Written by: Grok2 and additional materials by John Burke
- Hits: 401
What chance have Human Rights got when Democracy in Zimbabwe is merely a "Calculated Façade" - Masquerading as a Democracy is the main issue.
Do the Zimbabwe government display democratic attributes?
GROK (X/Twitter version of AI - {Artificial Intelligence} and Human Research
The question of whether the Zimbabwean government displays democratic attributes is complex and multifaceted, given the country's political history and current governance practices. Here are some key points to consider:
Elections: Zimbabwe holds regular elections, which is a fundamental aspect of democracy. However, these elections have often been criticized for lacking fairness and transparency. Allegations of vote rigging, intimidation, and violence have marred several elections, including those in 2008 and 2018. The 2023 elections were similarly criticized for irregularities and intimidation, reflecting ongoing issues with the democratic process.
Judicial Independence: The judiciary's independence is crucial for democracy, but in Zimbabwe, there have been reports of judicial interference by the executive. Judges have been pressured to make rulings favourable to the government, undermining the separation of powers. The appointment process of judges has also been questioned for its lack of transparency and independence from executive influence.
ISS AFRICA - regarding Zimbabwe
Media Freedom: Freedom of the press is another cornerstone of democracy, yet in Zimbabwe, media freedom has been severely restricted. The government has historically used laws to control media narratives, close independent newspapers, and intimidate journalists, leading to self-censorship and a lack of diverse media voices.
Civil Liberties: The government's record on civil liberties is poor, with reports of human rights abuses, suppression of political opposition, and the use of state security forces to quell dissent. The 2022 Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) Amendment Bill further restricts civil society's ability to operate freely, particularly on issues deemed "political."
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- Written by: John Burke, Steve Hanke, theafricalogistics
- Hits: 122
Self Inflicted {by Zanu PF} Currency Collapse AGAIN hits Zimbabwe
A recent article by Africa Logistic on 12th January 2025 make the point that the recently introduced ZiG is not worthy! In fact to quote their article;
Zimbabwe is grappling with yet another chapter of economic turbulence as its currency crisis intensifies, undermining confidence in the nation’s monetary system. The Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), a gold-backed currency introduced in April 2024, was intended to stabilize the economy and inspire trust.
Instead, it has spiraled into rapid devaluation, losing over 40% of its value against the U.S. dollar within months. “The ZiG was supposed to be our beacon of hope,” says economist Tendai Moyo. “But its collapse is a reflection of deeper structural issues that cannot be fixed by simply introducing a new currency.”
On Twitter/X ZHRO have been making this point ever since the "claimed" - Gold backed Currency was introduced - AND amply supported in our assertion by the well respected economist Steve Hanke - at John Hopkins University USA - in fact many of our cartoons pointing out both Inflation and Currency - are sourced from Steve Hanke. SEE above.
Only on 9th January 2025 Prof Steve Hanke's message was that Zanu PF had invaded a Gold Mine - one assumes to get more "backing" for ZiG?
"Zimbabwe's Vubachikwe Gold Mine has been invaded, again. This time, it looks like President Mnangagwa and his ZANU-PF political mafia are stealing private property, again. ZIM = LAWLESS."
Inflation is at a staggering 948% See Twitter/X post to verify - this in itself underscores the failure of both ZiG and RBZ. Co-conspirators are the Minister (out of his depth) Mthuli and his puppet masteres within the so called 'elite' of Zanu PF {heads of the Kleptocracy}.