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- Written by: John Burke
- Hits: 351
On this day of all days, the 37th Anniversary of the {forced} signing of the "Unity Accord" - itself a testimony to the aberration of the Zanu PF Military Junta - in conducting the Gukurahundi GENOCIDE to force the hand of ZAPU President Joshua Nkomo {at that time their ally!} into subsuming his independence party within the {evil} Zanu PF structures. In effect the creation of a One-Party-State {Mugabe's plan all along} - thus destroying any semblance of a DEMOCRACY! So hardly "UNITY" at all!
Today in the scurrilous rag the New Zimbabwe is an article which stinks of INTIMIDATION upon all Opposition within the Diaspora {LINKHERE} but in case they decide to scrub this unhelpful {to Zimbabwe's standing within SADC or Globally} diatribe we have taken the time to create an image of the article HERE - which can be enlarged by clicking the image icon itself.
WE DEMAND an APOLOGY: From the Zimbabwean Ambassador and the Zanu PF administration in Zimbabwe. This is unacceptalbe INTIMIDATION and DISINFORMATION.
This is catastrophic for any hope of a democratic space in Zimbabwe, their infamous role within SADC - and most damaging - any hope of re-admission into the British Commonwealth {sic}. We should like to know this "Staff Reporter", who signed-off this article for publication and WHY - on the 22nd December 2024 - The 37th ANNIVERSARY of the {so called} "UNITY ACCORD" - itself a damning testimony of the sickening objectives of Mugabe and co, informing a One-Party-State - at ANY COST - that was the basis of the Gukurahundi Geocodes!
We have written before about CIO Spies in the UK {and elsewhere. CLICK HERE} who are subtly and not-so-subtly intimidating many within the diaspora - those who have fled the torture chambers of Zimbabwe's CIO's and assorted psychopaths. Some are named within this disgraceful article which is blatant DISINFORMATION. We recall similar disinformation way back in November 2021 after our demonstrations in Glasgow at COP26 and Mnangagwa's cynical visit, at the invitation of the UN.
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- Written by: All the 50 Zimbabweans and John Burke who were there
- Hits: 177
What a day - what a day!
Zimbabweans arrived from all over, from Glasgow to Cornwall, From Liverpool and Leicester. Just all over. Some set off yesterday to make the DOUBLE Petition - a first from the diaspora.
Chanting outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, which unfortunately has an infestation of CIO's and Zanu stooges. In fact, we have seen on several occassions in the past many (non-Zanu) Zimbabweans, thrown out of their own Embassy - by the UK Diplomatic Protection Police. Due to the gutless yes men and women inside.
But be that as it may it was a great day for the real diaspora - not the fake diaspora that Zanu PF claim to have "on-side", but the real diaspora - who are in opposition to Zanu PF - AND ARE A MAJORITY! Oh, that's why the only way to stop the Zanu fakery is the wide scale DIASPORA VOTE - Something we have campaigned upon for many years (at least since 2018 with Petitions to the UK in 2021) and Chief Ndiweni's REFERENDUM Proposal.
Back to the 24th October 2024. So we left the Zimbabwe Embassy {a big sigh of relief from those inside} around 13:00 to saunter down to our favourite spot besides Field Marshall Montgomery and Opposite Downing Street, where the UK's New Prime Minister is now housed. We had little time to settle before Basil Kamombe had to marshall his crew of 6 men to enter the security gates to Downing Street itself. Each Petitioner was vetted by the Police Diplomatic Unit for Downing Street, against their security checks.
Once through those gates, guarded by armed police {with automatic weapons}, further {airport equivalent} security checks were carreid out on bags, clothing etc. Then the valiant 6 were guided by an extremely friendly police man {a million miles from their Zanu PF, poorly paid counter parts} who helped them with photographs and the petition hand over.
Both petitions are here at these links to Read/Download:
13:30 Injustice Petition: READ/DOWNLOAD
14:30 Maternal Deaths Petition: READ/DOWNLOAD
Flickr Albums: - 4 separately for convenience:
24th Oct 2024 Videos Take the time to listen to Chief Ndiweni's wise words
24th Oct 2024 General Demonstrations
24th Oct 2024 Injustice Petition Handover
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- Written by: Josephine Jenje-Mudimbu
- Hits: 294
POOR governance and leadership have grossly affected Zimbabwe health sector leaving the majority without proper health care facilities and medical attention. Those mostly affected are women and children. Many women have end up seeking treatments in neighbouring countries, especially antenatal care and birth.
The current administration has failed dismally by not prioritizing at investing in the health sector for a better, health nation. The less privileged who are the majority are suffering silently without proper health care whilst the cronies have access to private hospitals or seek medical attention abroad. It is the fundamental right for every human being despite their sex or gender to have the right to medical attention.
Corruption is rampant and is the source of a broken, dilapidated, lawless, ruthless and poor nation. It has become "cancer." Focusing too much on politics especially spending most of the time fighting the alternative or opposition has delayed progress. The lack of medical resources has contributed to the delay in seeking medical attention resulting in most women experiencing some of the leading causes of maternal moralities such as postpartum hemorrhage, life threatening infection and severe morbidity and abortion complications just to name a few.
According to the WHO Zimbabwe report on July 2024 the maternal Mortality is 462 deaths of 100,000 live births making postpartum hemorrhage a leading cause of maternal morality deaths annually and urgent measures are needed to prevent these tragic loses.
Being the first time in history to handover a double petition in a day at No 10 Downing Street, 24 October will be a memorial event to all human rights and political activists. It was a a great, joyous and emotional day to be amongst a group of activists who travelled across the United Kingdom to participate in the protest and handover of a double petition. My experience as being one of the petitioners in a group of twelve was overwhelming and especially personally presenting the petition on Maternal Mortality will go down well. The coordination and unity amongst us women petitioners including the organizer was so amazing. According to the feedback from the male petitioners who presented the Injustice petition, the feeling was mutual.
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- Written by: Phylis Melody Magejo
- Hits: 282
On October 24, 2024, Zimbabwean human rights and political activists in the UK came together to deliver two petitions to Number 10 Downing Street. Activists were determined to spotlight the injustices happening in Zimbabwe and the alarming maternal mortality rated in the country.
I was privileged to be one of the activists participating in this demonstration. I felt a strong sense of purpose as we presented our petitions to the Prime Minister's Office . The first petition was calling for urgent international attention to the human rights violations that are rampant in Zimbabwe where voices have been quietened by Zanu PF. The second petition was about the maternal mortality rate that has critically gone high. Expectant mothers are dying, a situation that requires urgent action and support from the international world.
We have a link to the Petition itself {CLICK HERE} and an extract from it states:
Michael Sibangilizwe Nkomo has written today {23rd October 2024} on the ZAPU.ORG website a heart felt and poignant message regarding the serious Maternal Death issues within Zimbabwe.
“As for the populace in Zimbabwe, the greatest impact of ZANU PF misrule will remain in the form of terrifying maternal and infant mortality rates. Independently verified statistics on Zimbabwe's institutional maternity challenges paint a grim picture of a country precariously on the brink.”
- Institutional maternal mortality rate was 114 per 100,000 live births in 2023 compared to 107 in 2022, noting a concerning increase.
- Perinatal mortality rate (PMR) increased from 28.4 per 1000 births to 35.6 per 1000 births.
- Most perinatal deaths (75.3%) occurred at Kwekwe General Hospital situated at the centre of a gold-rich part of Zimbabwe.
- Hypertension contributed 59/333 (17.7%) to stillbirths while
- birth asphyxia accounted for 210/511 (41.1%) of early neonatal deaths (ENND) as at 20 September 2023.
- Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births) in Zimbabwe was reported at 24.3 % in 2022, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.
At our Petition, our cry to the Prime Minister and his government was to help us with its influence to pressure Zanu PF government to answer the call of Zimbabwean Citizens and allow them to be led by a government of their choice. The high maternal mortality rate indicates the adverse failures that have affected affected citizens and communities.
An air of Hope and resilience filled the air as we sang and danced in one accord. The demand for justice and accountability amongst others was expressed in song and dance, as we demonstrated togetherness in our fight for the rights of Zimbabwean citizens and advocating for a future where every pregnant mother has a right to live.
- Details
- Written by: John Burke
- Hits: 224
Update: 24th October 2024: Last minute {early hours @2:30 am} additions to both petitions and now links to Read/Download from here: 13:30 Injustice Petition: READ/DOWNLOAD HERE
14:30 Maternal Deaths Petition: READ/DOWNLOAD HERE
Later today {or this evening} we will do a new article to log the day's events, photographs and reactions - WATCH THIS SPACE
Update: 23rd October 2024: We have nearly completed both written Petition Documents, ready for tomorrow's Pair of Petitions! In doing so we have had contact with the President of ZAPU, Mr Michael Sibangilizwe Nkomo, the son of Joshua Nkomo. ZAPU are a well established party {est 1963} who pre-date the ZANU PF, and were pivotal in the quest for independence - as granted in 1980.
President Nkomo has written a moving and heart-felt piece about both of our Petition - and we will be quoting these in each Petition Document at the hand over on Thursday 24th October 2024.
See President Michael Sibangilizwe Nkomo - web article here: https://zapu.org/the-rogue-regime-in-harare-now-a-regional-threat-to-sadc.html
Update: 22nd October 2024: Whilst Zanu PF rides 'rough-shod' over Human Rights, the Rule of Law AND the constitution, other external agencies have thrown down a challenge to expose their unparallel level of crimes within and without Zimbabwe. The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders on the 21st October 2024, Published their report AND the Zanu PF response - for their {Zanu PF} pages and pages of verbage only ONE PARAGRAPH - encapsulated their utter contempt and refusal to face facts - here we quote it verbatim:
"Government {Zanu PF regime response} has also noted the disturbing pattern by some non-state actors to deliberately and mischievously cause anarchy particularly, ahead of major international events, in order to discredit the Government. These unlawful actions, have become sources of unverified information which, unfortunately, are authoritatively used as the basis of allegations of human rights violations against Zimbabwe."
So, its everybody else's fault, and it's all unproven!! Typical Zanu PF response! Blind to reality of their Corruption and Crimes
Well we are ready to expose you on Thursday, draft Petition written, several high profile contributions are on their way. In addition Ed's {so called Presidency of SADC} is looking like planned chaos within the SADC region - election rigging is part of Zanu DNA it would seem.
This will be a first;
-- two separate and discrete petitions delivered to 10 Downing Street on the same day in the afternoon. BE THERE, with all your friends, contacts and those who would support these complex Zimbabwean problems {with the Zanu PF corrupt regime}.
The idea is to engage with the public, the press, the UK Government and FCDO.
Time Table for the 24th October 2024
- Meet at Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 The Strand, London; WC2R 0JR: from 12:00 {noon} onwards to 13:00 - when we march to via Trafalgar Square, and Whitehall to 10 Downing Street
- 13:30 Delivery time of Injustice in Zimbabwe Petition
- 14:30 Maternal Mortality Crisis Zimbabwe
- Whilst the 6 petitioner for each delivery go through the security gates of Downing Street there will be singing, dancing, drumming and speeches by the massed 'Zimbabwe supporting' protesters.
Release all Political Prisoners & Stop Corruption 13:30 @ Gates of Downing Street
The Petition is scheduled to be delivered by:
1) Model Pamire (Petitioner)
2) Simbarashe Jingo (Petitioner) [Web Article]
3) Greatman Makipa (Petitioner)
4) Kelvin T Mhlanga (Petitioner)
5) Dickson Chikwizo (Petitioner)
6) Tendai Mapfumo (Petitioner)
With Basil Kamombe as Organiser.
Reduce Maternal Mortality & Infant Deaths 14:30 @ Gates of Downing Street
The rate of deaths during child birth, and for under 5 year old children is a major cause for concern in Zimbabwe. Particularly distressing is the rate of pregnancies for girls UNDER THE AGE OF CONSENT (18 years old) worse still, even below age 10 - where death during delivery is not uncommon. This is 'heart breaking' and not just an issue with Hospital health services, but a wider social "acceptance" {of sorts} of technical rape of these young girls.
We note in the UNFPA, UNICEF, UNESCO, CESSHAR study written in June 2023 and Finalised in December 2023 {CLICK HERE TO READ or DOWNLOAD}
Official data shows that the vast majority of teenage pregnancies fall in the 18-19 age group, which is above Zimbabwe’s age of majority. A detailed breakdown of the data in the 2015 Zimbabwe Demographic Health Survey, the latest available, shows that 68%, and not nearly 80%, of all teenage pregnancies fall within this age group.
This implies that in the 2015 survey 32% of these pregnancies were BELOW the age of consent!!
The Petition is scheduled to be delivered by:
1) Philis Melody Magejo (Petitioner)
2) Josephine Jenje-Mudimbu (Petitioner)
3) Jane Mundangepfupfu (Petitioner)
4) Diana Machingauta (Petitioner)
5) Chido Shamu (Petitioner)
6) Renee Brenda Langa (Petitioner)
With Ronald Mutumbi as Organiser.
Stop Torture & Abductions
In a wider context and spanning both petition's content and ethos, Zimbabwe's {corrupt} Zanu PF regime, has not signified their rejection of state sponsored TORTURE - one of a very tiny minority of Nations who have failed to uphold this honourable policy {one of only 4 we understand!}.
Torture and Abduction appears to be one of the main 'weapons' used by the {corrupt} regime to oppress any and all opposition.
- 16th August 2024 SADC Petition
- Petition to Sir Keir Starmer
- Rigging and Murder - A Zimbabwean Election
- Diaspora Vote
- Minister for Africa Reply to Petition
- Africans in UK Struggling
- Not Independence Day - 18th Apr 2023
- 1st April Embassy Demo and Future 18th April
- Zimbabwean Teenager Murdered at Leeds 'Party'
- Downing Street Handover
- 25th Feb 2023 The Outcomes
- Zimbabwe Diaspora Loses a Giant Intellect
- Stop these Deportations
- Petition to 10 Downing Street - 2nd December 2021
- Masimba Mavaza has Embarrassed Zanu PF UK
- Petition to 10 Downing Street - 11th Nov 2021-14:00