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How many Ministers does it take to change a lightbulb?
The new game for COP26 Delegates
Let's just look at the impressive array of posts, titles and ministries in the Zimbabwe delegation. Then let's assess the current state of the economy and the environment.
The results are a massive mismatch. In fact, the list below must surely be the target for who to sack, fire, dismiss or even made to "Walk the Plank” for gross dereliction of duty. It's a list of SHAME, of a group of "hangers-on" who have a grand sounding titles but NO ABILITY. You're Fired is the only solution!
COP26 an Opportunity Squandered
""A government which is there to serve would never ever do this and sleep at night. No one with a conscience can! Criminals on the other hand would have no problem with it. Even Robert Mugabe did not go this low. The money used in this ego trip, no pun intended, is not seen as money which belongs to the people of Zimbabwe by the free loading wolves that call themselves a government. It is seen as easy money, money acquired in a bank heist. This is how criminals spend ill gotten loot, carefree and recklessly. I'm disgusted. Totally disgusted."" Chokwadi Chizere
Unfortunately, we seem to be unable to find any photographs of this delegation as a "team" - we do have a photo of some of these hangers-on disembarking from the chartered plane, but that's about it! So, was it a "Team Effort" or just for show - have some of these grandly entitled individuals got any ability, in their "chosen profession"? There are economists in various Ministries, there are Climate Scientists too - but what are they actually doing in Zimbabwe? There is scant evidence of any of these jokers achieving any impact on the dire state of Zimbabwe. ON all measures Zimbabwe is at the bottom of the charts - except inflation - where they have been at the top for some number of years. When Professor Steve Hanke's says that Mnangagwa is "Ignorant of Economics" it would appear that his Ministry of Finance is also in that description.
![Zimbabwe Inflation](/images/Zimbabwe-Inflation.jpg)
When we look at Mthuli Ncube's performance as Finance Minister, and his assertion that the newly created Zimbabwe dollar was "launched” ‘at parity’ with the mighty US Dollar - was he an economist, or just another compliant clown within the Zimbabwe [illegitimate] Government? Others have made their views known as seem in the images and Tweets.
Zimbabwean delegation that accompanied the president to Scotland ..Let's just Fire them all - then replace them with people who know what they are doing, rather than these clowns following orders from a tyranical regime!
H.E. Mr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa President of the Republic of Zimbabwe
Mr. Mthuli Ncube Minister Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
Mr. Nqobizitha M Ndhlovu Minister Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Frederick M Shava Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. George Charamba Deputy Chief Secretary Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Munesushe Munodawafa Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Washington Zhakata Director Climate Change Management Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Ms. Edith Tibahwa Bagambe Programme Manager COMESA
Mr. Reuben Barwe Reporter Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation
Mr. Paul Farai Bore Security President's Department
Mr. Edd Branson Advisor Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Vallduno Jonas Brown Security President's Department
Mr. Selestino Chari Environmentalist Carbcred Africa
Mr. Donald Tinotenda Charumbira Security President's Department
Mr. George Chaumba Ozone Office Project Manager Climate Change Management Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Aaron Chigona Director General Environmental Management Agency Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Regis Chatambudza Chikowore Permanent Secretary Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Joyce Chikudze Agriculturalist Research Forestry Commission
Ms. Tendai J Chimbandi Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Albert R Chimbindi Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Nomatter Chinembiri Security President's Department
Mr. Tawanda Chinogwenya Environmental Manager Environmental Management Agency
Mr. Chitsaka Chipaziwa Chief of Protocol Office of the President and Cabinet
Ms. Tariro Chipepera Acting Director Women Affairs and Gender Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development
Mr. Esau Chiroba Minister's Aide Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
Ms. Lisa Chitura Officer Youth Environmental Rights Advocacy Trust
Mr. Whisper Damu Security President's Department
Ms. Charity Denhere Climate Change Officer Climate Change Management Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Tafadzwa O. Dhlakama NDC Embedded Advisor Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Lovemore Dhoba Deputy Director Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development
Ms. Sifikile Donga Sibanda Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Redemptor M Dube Administrative Officer Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Charity Sally Dube Administrator Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Patrick Dutiro Portfolio Committee on Environment Water Climate Parliament of Zimbabwe Government of Zimbabwe
Mr. Lazarus Fungurani Presidential Cameraman Office of the President and Cabinet
Ms. Patience Gandiwa Director International Conservation Affairs Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Authority
Mr. Bradwell J Garanganga Consultant Meteorologist Meteorological Services Department
Mr. Sydney Z Gata Chairman Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority
Ms. Linia Gopo Deputy Director Meteorological Services Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Christopher Nharo Gwatidzo Senior Principal Director Office of President and Cabinet
Ms. Veronica N Jakarasi Climate Finance Manager Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe
Ms. Irene M Juru Deputy Director Multilateral Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Joyce Kamedzera Security President's Department
Mr. Mclay Lynden Kanyangarara Climate Change Advisor Consultant
Mr. Elisha Karodza Deputy Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Christian M Katsande Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Zivanayi E Katsande Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Ebrahim Khan Officer Carbcred Africa
Mr. Zoran Krsteski Doctor Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Sternford Kufa Defence Advisor Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Sibongile Kunaka PA to Advisor Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Paradzayi Kutyauripo Security Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Chemist M. Gumbie Forestry Consultant
Mr. Charles Mabika Environmental Analyst City of Harare
Ms. Hilda Madanhi Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Tafadzwa Madare Security President's Department
Mr. Terrence Madzorere Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Gloria S Magombo CEO Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority
Mr. Allen Kurauone Makanyire Security President's Department
Mr. McLarence S Mandaza Officer Pan African University
Mr. Tinashe E Mangosho Research Officer Climate Research Trust
Mr. Nhamoinesu Mangove Director Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Ndavaningi Mangwana Permanent Secretary Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services
Mr. Fulton U Mangwanya Director General Parks and Wildlife Management
Mr. Kudakwashe Manyanga Officer Climate Change Management Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development
Mr. James Manzou Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Rebecca Manzou Director Meteorological Services Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Paul Mapfumo Professor of Agriculture University of Zimbabwe
Mr. Abedinigo Marufu General Manager Forestry Commission
Mr. Stephen Mashoko Cameraman Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation
Mr. Lawrence Mashungu Climate Change Scientist-Mitigation Climate Change Management Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development
Ms. Emily F Matingo Climate Change Officer Climate Change Management Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Ms. Rufaro N Matsika Climate Change Officer
Mr. Alfios Mayoyo Principal Economist Centre for Agriculture and Food Policy
Mr. John Mazani Committee Clerk Parliament of Zimbabwe
Mr. Lloyd Mazivarimwe Legal Officer Legal Services Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate
Mr. Albert Samuel Mhanda Climate Change Database Specialist
Ms. Batanai Chido Mhango Protocol Officer Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Lawrence Mhlaba DDG's Aide President's Department
Mr. Bheki Victor Miga Security President's Department
Mr. Tanaka E. M Mnangagwa Director Carbcred Africa OPC
Mr. Africa Mparuri Moyo Reporter Herald
Mr. Hero Muchingami Security President's Department
Mr. Tineyi Stanford Muchongwe Financial Analyst Ministry of Finance
Ms. Lydia Mudhari Honorary Consul for Scotland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Elizabeth Mudzingwa DDG's Staff Officer President's Department
Mr. Muchineripi Mudzviti Liason Officer President's Department
Mr. Peter Mugwagwa Cook Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Tirivanhu Muhwati Climate Change Scientist Climate Change Management Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Ms. Margaret Mukahanana Sangarwe Chairperson Zimbabwe Gender Comission
Mr. Tafadzwa Mukanhairi Officer Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Ms. Munashe Mukonoweshuro Climate Change Officer Climate Change Management Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Oliver Mukwena Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Kuda F Munjaidi Tourism Officer International Tourism Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Ms. Venrandah Munyoro Director Legal Services Legal Services Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Kudakwashe Mupamhanga Security President's Department
Ms. Nomutsa Bertha Murindagomo Security President's Department
Ms. Winfielda Y Musarurwa Chair of Environment and Climate Change Portfolio Committee Parliament of Zimbabwe
Ms. Marylyn Mushonga Security President's Department
Mr. Qhubekani Muswere Media Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Solomon Mutambara Programme Specialist Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund
Mr. Tatenda Mutasa Climate Change Officer Climate Change Management Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development
Mr. Ammon Mutembwa Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Visitor Jerry Mutumhe Security President's Department
Ms. Beloved Mutyandaedza Security President's Department
Mr. Lwembe Chenjelani Mwale Programme Specialist COMESA
Mr. Younger Ncube Minister's PA Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
Mr. Brighton Ndebele PA to Minister Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Kudzai F. Ndidzano Climate Change Scientist Climate Change Management Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Mr. Vusumuzi Ntonga Ambassador Zimbabwe Embassy - Algeria Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Joseph Nyadzayo Presidential Photographer Office of the President and Cabinet
Mr. Tirivanhu Nyamatemo Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Ms. Zanele Nyathi Administrative Officer Multilateral Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Hamadziripo F Nyikayaramba Engineer Rural Electrification Agency
Mr. Absolom Nyoni Security President's Department
Mr. Michael Pagaravanhu Waiter Office of the President and Cabinet
Ms. Miriam M Panganayi Third Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Blessing Phiri Security President's Department
Mr. Tapiwa R Rupende Counsellor Zimbabwe High Commission-New York Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Mr. Nesbert Samu Chief Director Parliament of Zimbabwe
Ms. Mavis Sibanda Permanent Secretary Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Mr. Misheck B. Siyakatshana Technical Director Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority
Ms. Norah M Takaindisa Communications Officer Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Ms. Sostina M Takure Development Economist Actalliance
Ms. Dorcas Tawonashe Economist Economics and Markets Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development
Mr. Banabas Simbarashe Tera ADC President's Department
Mr. Benny Tsododo Security President's Department
Mr. Justice Wadyajena Chair of Portfolio Committee on Agriculture Parliament of Zimbabwe Mr. Sosten Ziuku Director Renewable Energy Ministry of Energy and Power Development