Diaspora Vote PetitionWe have formally sought permission to deliver a written petition to 10 Downing Street, On the 21st October at 14:00; This petition will cover;

  1. Regarding the wholly inappropriate invitation extended by the British Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe [Presumably with an OK from the FCO, and possibly the UN - regarding COP26], to invite E D Mnangagwa, [illegally elected] President of Zimbabwe and an entourage of 70 – including 50 “Security Personnel” to the COP26 Climate Conference being held in Glasgow 31st October to 12th November 2021. 
  2. On E D Mnangagwa’s Human Rights record, his political repression record and his non-existent Environmental record we wish to protest in writing this visitation of a despotic tyrant, guilty of Genocide, Murder, Rape and Torture, let alone the institutionalised corruption and looting of all resources to his name.
  3. We also object to E D Mnangagwa and Zanu PF [Zimbabwe and UK] appalling record for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as promoted by the United Nations [UNSDGs]. Such as, Failed Drinking Water Supplies, Failed Sewage Systems, Failed Electricity supply, Failed Road, Rail and Transport infrastructure and ongoing maintenance, Biased Judiciary, Failed voting system and administration, etc etc. 
  4. Signatories and hand-over team: John C Burke, Tryness Ncube, Olive Ruzvidzo and Kingstone Jambawo - ZHRO; Edgar Makuni, Model Pamire and Shamiso Moyo - MDCA; Malvern Dengu, Nicolate Gwati and Panyika Anselm Karimanzira  - ROHR Zimbabwe; Leo Ndlovu and Zakhele Maphosa - ZAPU and other free thinking Zimbabweans and Non-Zimbabweans.

Gukurahundi PetitionWe need to know which other groups, Lords. MP's or Individuals who are sympathetic to this petition and who are willing to lend their name(s) to this cause.

See our article regarding this Climate injustice

Visit our main Facebook Page to see the Event on the 21st October 2021 Outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, London, and then at 10 Downing Street, LONDON at 14:00

BUT if you oppose this outrage [of inviting Mnangagwa and up to 70 Zanu PF] to COP26 - Sign our Petition

see our Twitter Petition request too